Yarrick: The Omnibus is a Warhammer 40k Book and It's My Current Read

I've recently gotten into Warhammer 40k thanks to all of the novelizations available at my local book store. This blog post is so I can keep track of all of my favorite excerpts and finally write my review when I finish reading it.

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Yarrick: The Omnibus

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My Favorite Selections from Yarrick: The Omnibus

'Are you ready?'

Saultern wasn't sure, at first, that Yarrick had spoken. The words were so soft; how could he have heard them over this wind? But the commissary was watching him, waiting for a response. 'No.' He waited for the bolt shell that would terminate his command.

Yarrick did not move. His expression, such impassive stone for a young man, did not alter. He spoke again, still quietly, projecting his words over the wind to Saultern's ears alone. 'Are you willing?'

'Yes.' To Saultern's surprise that was the truth.

'Then lead.'

When we witness the destruction of beauty...

...it is the destruction that we remember, that will forever remain the defining impression of a location. The beauty that came before becomes nothing more than the prologue to horror.

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