My List of the Best Trapper Hats Online in 2024

A trapper hat is also called an ushanka, a chapka, an “Elmer Fudd”, or a “Russian hat”.

I'm updating this blog post in the middle of summer - but hey, it's never too early to start preparing for winter. As Ned Stark once said:

“Winter is coming and the best trapper hats are on sale in the summer.”

It was something along those lines. It's been a while since I watched the show. I know he probably favored a good trapper hat, regardless.

I’ll keep this page updated with the best trapper hats I can find every few months or so. I’ll also keep adding information about how to choose a trapper hat, depending on what you want when it comes to utility and style.

Find The Best Trapper Hats Online

Why Should I Buy a Trapper Hat?

They are the ultimate winter hats, in my opinion. Ear muffs? Don't need 'em, the trapper hat has ear flaps built in.

A hoodie? Forget the hood. Elmer Fudd never wore a hood because his hat covered his whole head.

Don't have enough hands to carry all those small items in from your car, plus your iced coffee? Oh, I have news. The trapper hat makes a perfect little satchel.

I like clothing that has utility. These trapper hats will keep you warm in the winter, they've got personality, and they make a great gift for less than $30.

The Best Trapper Hats Cover Your Whole Head

As I mentioned before, trapper hats have ear flaps and they cover my whole head, including my neck. When I'm wearing my trapper hat, I don't need a scarf or earmuffs.

I will often actually start to get too warm in some of my trapper hats, even on the coldest days. I haven't come across one yet that has left me feeling like I needed more warmth.

My winter hats are so warm because I only choose the best quality trapper hats. I make sure that they're not thin and that they always have insulating material between the shell and the inner lining.

The Best Trapper Hat Materials

When it comes to the trapper hat’s shell, I haven't come across a bad one yet. Some of the outer shell fabrics have benefits that others don't.

Leather Makes The Most Weather-Proof Trapper Hat

My favorite trapper hat is my leather one. It's waterproof, windproof, and the warmest winter hat I own. It does build up moisture on the outside, which I can easily wipe off after I come inside if it's snowing or raining.

Real leather trapper hats don't absorb anything from the outside. They stay dry and warm.

Real Fur Makes The Warmest Trapper Hats

Generally, just the ear flaps and forehead area on a trapper hat are made of fur. The best trapper hats contain real fur because it's naturally warmer than faux fur.

It would be amazing if science could figure out how to make faux fur warmer, then these hands would be even more sustainable.

My leather trapper hat also has real rabbit fur. So I've got the best warmth coupled with the best protection. I like collecting different trapper hats, however, if I wanted to have just one winter hat that did the job best, it would be my real leather/real fur trapper.

Faux Fur and a Wool Shell Can Still Make The Best Trapper Hat for You

Just because my real leather trapper hat is my favorite overall, doesn't mean it's the most interesting looking one I own. It's also not always cold enough for it to be necessary.

My best trapper hats for warmer winter days are my plaid ones. They're made of a wool blend on the outer shell and the ear flaps are made of faux fur. These stay cooler than my leather trapper.

Also, don't let the wool trapper hat discourage you when it comes to moisture. When it is snowing, most of the flakes that land on my wool hat’s outer shell will melt over time, but remain on the surface like a dew drop.

Sometimes all I need to do is come in and shake my trapper hat off to dry it. If I'm outside in the snow for an extended period, or it's raining, my wool trapper hats do tend to get damp. Still not as quickly as you'd think though.

Summer is the Best Time to Buy Trapper Hats

The best trapper hats online go down in price during the summer. I've noticed that trapper hats on sale in the winter for $30-40 can often be found for $15-20 in the off season.

Plus, we keep it cold in our homes. I sometimes wear my trapper hat while I lay in bed, just to keep me warm enough that I don't need to cover up while I've got shorts and a tank top on.

My Best Trapper Hat Tip for Washing

When winter comes around, I look forward to a few things. Nice sweaters, hot cocoa, and wearing my trapper hat pretty much nonstop.

If you want to keep the fur on your Russian winter hat nice and soft, never dry it. I only put it in the washing machine, then use the chin buckle or strap to hang it from a hanger or in the shower to air dry.

Stay warm and enjoy being cozy!

Did I mention that the best trapper hat ear flaps cut down on the noise of family gatherings? 😉

Best Trapper Hat History Video